Version 32 ?
Version 32 was successfully released into production yesterday. Everyone says – never release major changes on Friday so I kept this release silent. It's probably not the most exciting of versions, but there were a couple of important updates.
There were a lot of improvements under the hood, mostly to work and family modules. Ana and I decided to combine all our best features and create a new repository called Remi. We kept him in staging for 9 months and when we made sure all the important MVP features were there, Ana released him into production in May. He is currently at version 0.3 but so far the progress is as expected. Having a new repository to take care of in your life is a big responsibility — but as we planned it during our life-cycle, I'm confident it will turn out OK.

Other updates in this version include:
- As we are planning to move our development servers to Ireland next year, there is a lot of logistical things to be done before that — so I concentrated on keeping my workflow and documentation up–to–date.
- Successfully utilised me to help organise another project
- Presented takeaways learned from developing the last few versions
- Did several stress tests of the current codebase in April and May — each test took around 2 hours which is not perfect so there is further optimisation planned in this version.
- Cleaned up the codebase a little bit, fixed a couple of bugs and more.
Public presentation and a stress test of version 32
I have already mapped out several important features for version 33 but it's too soon to share those as I'll be focusing on ironing out the bugs and optimising version 32 first.