Munich Recap
We are back. Actually, we’ve been back since the beginning of March but I wanted to give it some time before writing a recap. In few short words—it was great.
Munich is a really diverse city. With rich cultural heritage, strong industry, pleasant people and beautiful architecture it’s definitively worth a visit. I won’t go into much details about Munich itself, you can read on Wikipedia in more detail.

Olympiapark with 190m high Olympia Tower in the background.
Munich is also very expensive. Renting out a single room is around 500 euros. For the 2–bedroom flat prepare to pay more than 1000 euros (in the zone of public transport, S–Bahn, U–Bahn…). All that aside, average gross salary is 50 000 euro/year and when you deduct taxes you are left with half which is more than enough for comfortable living. Depending on your skillset and experience, especially with designer and development positions in large demand, you could easily negotiate a better salary.
During our stay, we had a chance to explore Munich and surrounding cities (like Dachau), visit museums (Deutsches Museum, the most memorable in my opinion) and restaurants (Currywurst is something I will remember fondly). Munich is also really well connected with other larger cities so we even visited friends in Zurich during our time there with IC Bus. With all that, some of the best moments we had in Munich was walking around Olympiapark.

View of the Olympiapark from Olympia tower.
I had no trouble working from our rented room in Unterschleissheim. Internet was good as well (most of the times). Unterschleissheim is a small city connected with S–Bahn fast train rail to Munich. Although I could be in Munich centre in half an hour, I rarely went to the city because it was easier to organise Skype calls and get much-needed focus in my home “office”. One of the benefits of working remotely is that you can easily plan your eating habits and workouts. Running was part of my daily routine and Unterschleissheim gave me plenty of opportunity (even when it was snowing) with nice parks and tracks.
There is one thing that sucked though. Ticket machines for public transport. So many options. If you used them—you know.

Sunset in Oberschleissheim.
Tl;dr Munich is one of the cities we are seriously considering moving to in the next few years. I’m sorry we didn’t had a chance to see more of Bavaria, but like they say—you have to leave something for next time. More images of our Munich adventure can be found on Flickr.